Padmini Ritti
3 min readDec 11, 2023

Lost and Found!

Authored by SriGowri (10 years old)

Once upon a time in rainy Venice, a girl named Gabrielle was stuck doing her homework. Oh no, a mistake! She needed her special doughnut eraser but wait — it vanished! Gabrielle wondered, “Can erasers really go on adventures?”

She searched high and low, in every nook and cranny. Where could that doughnut eraser be hiding? “Mamaaa! My doughnut eraser is missing! Help!” she called.

Mom joined the search party, but that sneaky eraser was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, a magical glow appeared behind the closet. Gabrielle and her mom investigated, and there it was — a doughnut making a speedy escape!

“Get it!” they exclaimed like daring explorers. The doughnut went on a magical race through Italy — Venice, Rome, Pisa, Florence, Milan, and back to Venice. It was the speediest doughnut ever! In Venice, it twirled through the gondola-lined canals, did a quick pizza taste-test in Rome, leaned on the Leaning Tower of Pisa for a selfie, painted a masterpiece in Florence, learned to strut the catwalk in Milan, and even became a pasta-making maestro. Finally, in a bustling bakery in Venice, they caught it mid-giggle as it tried to blend in with a tray of freshly baked treats. They triumphantly stuck an air tag on it. No more doughnut disappearing acts!

Feeling like brave adventurers, Gabrielle along with her mom hopped on a boat, sailed around with a triumphant smile on her face for having found her mischievous eraser. While it glowed even brighter and started blabbering random words “Iglhifkrmnopwnnezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.”

After a grand adventure through Italy and victory over the vanishing eraser, she sailed back home merrily. Just when she thought her magical journey was done, a sudden interruption crashed in.

Ding Dong! But, surprise! — it was the school bell! Turns out, Gabrielle was daydreaming during history class. Imagine that! The enchanted doughnut eraser didn’t have a last trick; it was just pulling a sneaky prank on Gabrielle’s imagination.

Moral: Do not day dream in your History class! 😊